Run by Tollefson Swimming at Wildwood Manor Pool
(M-W-F, 6-week session)
Masters Swimming is an organized program of swimming for adults (or other non-swim team swimmers). Swimmers participate in a variety of ways ranging from lap swimming to moderate competition. The swimming distance ranges from 1,000 to 3,000 meters. The primary focus is on fitness; however some masters swimmers will use this class to help train for triathalons and other swimming events. Masters starts on Monday, June 17th, and will meet Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 6:00 – 7:30am until Friday, July 26th . For individuals that want to drop-in and try the class, you may come to the first class on June 17th. No other drop-in classes will be offered. The full session fee will be due after the drop-in class. The fee for the 6-week session is $280 for members and $310 for non-members.
(M-W-F, 6-week session)
The Stroke & Turn Classes will work on the development of the four main strokes, starts and turns. The focus is on technique; however, because the focus is on developing the four strokes plus technique, some students will use this class as preparation to become masters swimmers. The swimming distance ranges from 400 to 800 meters. Class starts Monday, June 17th and will meet on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 6:00 – 7:00am.. The program runs until Friday, July 26th. The fee for the 6-week session is $250 for pool members and $280 for non-pool members. For individuals that want to drop-in and try the class, you may come to the first class on June 17th. No other drop-in classes will be offered. The full session fee will be due after the drop-in class.