Pool Rules & Regulations


The Pool Manager is in charge of the pool at all times and is responsible for the maintenance of order, cleanliness, and safety on the pool property. The Manager is responsible for supervising all phases of the pool operation, including the employees of the operating staff, and the proper enforcement of the rules and regulations established by the Association and in accordance with Montgomery County Health Department Regulations.

Enforcement of Rules

The Pool Manager shall caution and warn violators, or if necessary in his opinion, shall suspend pool privileges for anyone whom he finds willfully violating these rules.

Health and Sanitation

  • All persons using the pool must shower prior to entering the pool.
  • Spitting or spouting water is not allowed in the pool.
  • Food and drink are not permitted in the immediate pool area, use the areas outside the deck.
  • Glass is not permitted within the pool enclosure.
  • Smoking is not permitted inside the pool fenced area and within 25 feet of the fence.
  • No pets on pool property, service dogs are welcome.
  • All children under two years of age and those who are not completely potty trained with or without diapers shall not be permitted in the big pool. Maryland State Regulations require that in case of solid fecal contamination our pool be closed for a minimum of 8 hours.


  • All persons shall obey the instruction of the lifeguards and the Manager.
  • No person shall use the pool unless it is officially open and the guards are on duty.
  • Persons unable to demonstrate to the guards their ability to swim are not permitted in deep water, including the diving well and water slide area.
  • Running, rough play, and personal conduct endangering the safety of self and/or others in portion of the pool establishment is prohibited.
  • Use of artificial floats of any nature will be subject to the control of the Pool Manager.
  • Use of flotation devices for young children, such as water wings, may be used only with a parent within arms’ length of the child. Consequently, use of flotation devices is not permitted by users of the diving board or water slide.
  • In the event of inclement weather, accompanied by thunder or lightning or both, the Pool Manager shall use his discretion in closing the pool.

Diving Regulations

  • Only one person permitted on the diving board at a time.
  • Divers will wait until the previous diver has reached the ladder.
  • No diving from the side of the board.
  • Running dives or excessive bouncing from the board is not permitted.

Water Slide Regulations

  • Only one person permitted on the water slide at a time, including the stairs and landing.
  • Swimmers will wait until the previous slider has reached the cleared the base of the slide.
  • Water slide is to be used feet first.

General Pool Rules

  • Use of abusive or profane language or other improper conduct on the pool property shall be grounds for suspension or expulsion from the property.
  • Members shall park in the pool parking areas.
  • WMSPA is not responsible for theft or damage to personal property.

Admission to the Pool

Only paid-up members in good standing shall be admitted. All members should upload an updated photo into members@wildwoodpool.com database. The guard desk will verify member last name with photo in the database. Members will sign in at each visit.

Guest Privileges

  • Guests will be admitted when accompanied by an active member upon presentation of a guest pass. Guest fees are $10 per person. A Guest is limited to 7 visits per summer.
  • Members under the age of 16 may only bring 2 guests at a time.

Rules Governing Children

  • Children under age 10 must be continuously accompanied by an adult or responsible youth of at least 16 years of age, especially while swimming in the pool.
  • Children under 12 will not be permitted to enter or remain at the pool after 6:00 pm unless accompanied by a responsible adult .
  • Children not FULLY toilet trained are not permitted in the big pool. Children using the wading pool must wear tight fitting rubber pants over a diaper or swim trainer.
  • Supervision of children in the wading pool will be the responsibility of the person bringing them to the pool and they must not leave them unattended.
  • Use of the wading pool shall be limited to children under the age of six.