2025 Board & Pool Management
The Wildwood Manor Pool is governed by an elected Board of Directors. The 2025 Pool Budget was approved by the membership at the January 2025 Annual Meeting. The next Annual Meeting date and location will be announced at the end of Summer.
If you have any questions or concerns about the pool and management, please contact one of the board members below using email wmspa@wildwoodpool.com.
Laura Salazar serves as pool administrator, and can be reached at info@wildwoodpool.com.
The Wildwood Manor Pool hired Lighthouse Pool Management for the day-to-day pool operation and staffing for the summer of 2025. If you need to contact the Pool Manager, please email lifeguard@wildwoodpool.com.
Click here for more information on the WMSPA Board Positions and Pool Committee Descriptions.
Board Contacts
Name | Board Position & Committees | Contact Info |
Ramy Fayed | President, Renovation, Technology | president@wildwoodpool.com renovation@wildwoodpool.com |
Adam Sowalsky | Vice President, Special Programs, Swim Team Liaison, Communications, Technology, Sport Court Rentals | vp@wildwoodpool.com programs@wildwoodpool.com sportcourt@wildwoodpool.com |
Erin Davis | Vice President, Building and Grounds, Sport Court Rentals | grounds@wildwoodpool.com, Sportcourt@wildwoodpool.com |
Cliff Shore | Treasurer, Snack Bar | treasurer@wildwoodpool.com |
Susan Torzilli | Assistant Treasurer | |
Michelle Flynn | Secretary, Special Programs, Swim Team Liaison | secretary@wildwoodpool.com programs@wildwoodpool.com |
Claudio Marsegan | Building and Grounds | grounds@wildwoodpool.com |
Allison Peppelman | Social and Pavilion Rentals | social@wildwoodpool.com pavilion@wildwoodpool.com |
Steve Kapuschansky | Building and Grounds, Technology | grounds@wildwoodpool.com |
Laura Salazar | Administrator, Membership, Webmaster | info@wildwoodpool.com membership@wildwoodpool.com |
* WMSPA Board members serve without compensation. However, because of the considerable time commitment and amount of work associated with their Board duties and to attract members to participate on the Board, each Board member is entitled to a discount of fifty percent from the then-current Annual Membership Dues amount for each year of service on the Board, provided that such Board member successfully fulfills his or her obligations as a Board member during the year. In the event a Board member fails to materially fulfill his or her service obligations on the Board during the year, then the amount of such discount applied to the Board member’s Membership Dues for that year shall become immediately due and owing by such Board member.